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Used Jeep Wrangler


Used Jeep Wrangler

If you’re in the market for a used Jeep for sale, chances are you’re looking at Wranglers. They have the most iconic look of all Jeeps. They’re the oldest model and have had decades of refinement. At Ewald CJDR in Franklin, we have a variety of quality used Jeep Wranglers. We are a Jeep dealership near Waukesha, and we are here to answer your questions about buying a used Jeep Wrangler.

Should you buy a used Jeep Wrangler?

We will answer this question: do you want all the perks of owning a Wrangler for a much lower price tag? Then, yes! You should buy a used Jeep Wrangler.

  • Used Wranglers are way cheaper than new ones. All cars depreciate the fastest within their first few years of ownership. If you buy new, you’ll lose thousands of your investment within the first year. Used is the smart way to go.

  • Jeep Wranglers are known for being incredibly long-lasting. Some Jeep owners have decades-old Jeeps that run practically like new! If you buy a used Wrangler, you don’t have to worry about missing out on the best years of its life.

  • The Wrangler is a flexible car. It’s practical for daily life and crazy vacations! You can use it for everything from intense off-roading to city driving.

What to know before buying a used Jeep Wrangler

The main thing to remember is that Jeeps are built to be tough. In other words, a used Jeep Wrangler has probably been through more than your typical car. At Ewald CJDR, we ensure all of our Jeeps are high quality. But it is still essential to check over everything so you can buy with confidence.

  • Some used Wranglers may have been modded by the previous owner. This can be a great thing. You don’t have to mod it yourself! Please make sure the mods are the ones you want and correctly installed. They might not have been installed by a professional.

  • The third or fourth generations of the Jeep Wrangler are seen as the best. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid the first and second generations. But as technology improved, so has Jeep engineering.

  • Tires can tell you more than you think. If the wear on them is uneven, this could mean alignment problems. Also, Jeep tires are pricey. You might want to avoid a Jeep with tires that need to be replaced soon.

What is good mileage for a used Jeep Wrangler?

Don't worry too much about the mileage if you’re looking at a used Jeep Wrangler for sale. Wranglers are well-known for handling an impressive amount of miles. Four-Wheel Insider assures us that you can buy a used Jeep Wrangler with over 100,000 miles on it with no worries. You’ll still get many years of use!

How many miles do Jeeps Wranglers last?

As we said above, used Jeep Wranglers are an excellent investment because of their longevity. Among other used SUVs for sale, they more than hold their own. According to Motor Biscuit, the typical Wrangler can last anywhere from 280,00 to 400,00 miles! Of course, you need to carefully maintain your Wrangler to get this many miles out of it.

Do Jeeps hold their value? 

Yes, and much better than most other vehicles! High resale value is just one of the many perks of owning a Jeep. Since Jeeps are in such high demand, they hold their value incredibly well throughout their life. 

A used Jeep Wrangler might be one of the best used car investments you can make. Its longevity, reliability, iconic look, and high resale value send it soaring to the top of the charts for used vehicles. So why wait? Come down to Ewald CJDR, your local Jeep dealer near you, and check out some Jeeps today!